Sunday 12 September 2010

Analysing a Photo

This is a close-up shot of two Asian female teenagers.

The female of the left of the picture is wearing a cream coloured dress. She has glow bands on her arm, showing she is at some sort of party or night out. Her shoulder is casting a slight shadow on the person on the left. The girl on the right is wearing a cream dress with black coloured straps. She is wearing vibrant coloured bracelets and a ring, signifying that she may have an individual personality. Here nails are also painted which may show that she enjoys wearing colour. 

The background is quite dark, with the odd couple of coloured spot lights in the corner. There are also people in the background. Majority of them look like teenage boys.

The actors expressions look cheerful and lively. They also look quite innocent. The two actors have their arm around each other, showing their friendship or closeness that they have. They are both looking directly at the camera.

The photo is in colour. This picture was taken with the flash on as the room was quite dark. This is evident as the light is reflecting on their faces. They stand out against the background.

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